Bringing a little Brotherly Love to Music City

Savor the Authentic Taste of Philly in Nashville!

Experience the True Flavor of Brotherly Love

If you’re from Philadelphia or have visited, we hope that our food truck reminds you of the City of Brotherly Love.

If you haven’t been to Philadelphia, we hope to inspire a visit. The cheesesteak, originating in South Philly in 1930 and served from a hot dog stand, was a fast, accessible food requested by a hungry cab driver. What began as simple street food created by an inspired hot dog stand operator has evolved into numerous variations, all under the moniker of Philly Cheesesteak. Philly South Steaks’ menu draws inspiration from several popular variations of this sandwich found in and around South Philly. We encourage you to customize your experience with our “Build Your Own” steak option, made just the way you like it. In addition to cheesesteaks, we serve other Philadelphia favorites, including the famous Roast Pork Sandwich, Soft Pretzels, and Hot Dogs, which pay homage to the dish’s beginnings. Our goal is to offer a one-stop truck with delicious options for every member of your family.

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